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How to Color Super Mario in a Racing Car

Introduction to Coloring Super Mario

Coloring is not just a fun activity; it’s a way to express your creativity and dive into the world of your favorite characters. Today, we’re going to learn how to color Super Mario, the iconic Nintendo character, as he drives a racing car in a comic strip. Through this guide, you’ll discover techniques and tips to bring your drawing to life.

Step-by-step guide to coloring Super Mario

Getting to know Super Mario

Super Mario is more than just an adventurous plumber; he’s a hero in the Mushroom Kingdom. With his red cap, blue overalls, and red shirt, Mario has saved Princess Peach countless times. When coloring Mario, remember that his iconic colors are red, blue, and white.

Coloring the racing Car

Mario’s cars in games like Mario Kart are colorful and full of details. Choose bright colors and consider using techniques like gradient to give it a dynamic look. Don’t forget the details like flames or the characteristic symbols from the Mario universe.

Coloring techniques

Using colored pencils

Colored pencils are great for adding details. Use different pressures to create shadows and highlights, adding depth to your drawing. You can blend colors to get unique shades.

Experimenting with markers

Markers can provide a clean and vibrant finish. They are excellent for larger areas. Use fine-tip markers for details and broad-tip ones for coloring larger areas.

Getting creative with paints

Paint can be an exciting choice. Watercolors or tempera can give your drawing an artistic touch. Remember, painting requires patience as you need to wait for the layers to dry.

Additional tips

  • Practice on a separate paper before applying a new technique to your drawing.
  • Place a paper underneath your drawing to prevent smudges if you’re using markers or paint.
  • Look at Nintendo’s official art for inspiration on how to color Mario and his car.

The universe of Mario Bros

Mario Bros is not just about Mario. Characters like Luigi, Peach, Bowser, and Toad are also iconic. Each has its own color palette. Knowing the Mario Bros universe will help you choose colors and themes for your drawings.

Anecdotes and curiosities

  • Did you know that Mario’s original design was influenced by the technical limitations of the time? His mustache and cap were creative solutions!
  • Mario Kart started as an experiment, adding Mario to a racing game, and it became one of the most beloved games!

Coloring Super Mario in his racing car is more than just filling spaces with color; it’s about bringing a beloved character to life and immersing yourself in his world. Experiment with different techniques and materials, and most importantly, have fun in the process.

If you want to know more about Mario, Click here

Ideas for colouring your Mario drawing

If you need ideas for colouring in your drawing, check out our gallery of images of drawings that have already been coloured in using different techniques. You will find creative designs that will surely inspire you.

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