Labrador dog

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Other drawings in the category Dogs

Labradors are really amazing and special dogs. Here are some stories to inspire you while coloring:

  1. Born Swimmers: Did you know Labrador dogs love water? Their paws are almost like paddles, making them natural swimmers. Once, a labrador named Max jumped into the water to save a duckling in trouble. After that, the duckling and Max became best friends, always seen playing together.
  2. Detectives: Labradors have an incredible sense of smell. Stories tell of Labradors working at airports and train stations to help detect things that shouldn’t be there. Once, a lab named Bella sniffed out a suitcase and alerted her trainer. Turns out, there was a cat inside trying to go on vacation!
  3. Loyal Friends: Labrador dogs are known for being super friendly and loyal. A labrador named Rocky would always wait at the bus stop to greet kids returning from school. He even carried a tiny backpack with treats to share!
  4. Movie Stars: Have you heard of the movie “Marley and Me“? It’s about a naughty labrador named Marley who gets into all sorts of mischief, but it’s impossible not to love him. Maybe your labrador could have its own movie one day!

How to colour your drawing of a labrador dog:

  1. Choosing the Color: Labradors come in a variety of shades: yellow (which can range from a very light cream to a darker gold), black, and chocolate. Decide which color you want for your labrador and choose your shades based on that.
  2. Starting with a Base Color: Before diving into details, color the entire body of your labrador with a base shade. If you’re going for a golden labrador, opt for a soft yellow or light gold. Use long, even strokes so the color is distributed evenly.
  3. Adding Shading: Imagine where the light is coming from. Usually, light comes from above, so the lower parts of the dog, like its belly, under the ears, and neck, would have shadows. Use a shade slightly darker than your base color for these areas. For instance, if you’re working on a golden labrador, use a light brown for shading.
  4. Highlights: The areas where light directly hits, like the top of the head, back, and spine, would be the brightest. Here, you can use a lighter color pencil (e.g., pale yellow) to enhance these areas.
  5. Facial Details: Eyes and nose are super important. Labrador dog usually have brown or hazel eyes, but you can get creative! The nose can be black or brown depending on the fur color.
  6. Fur Texture: Labradors have short fur, but you can still add some texture. Use quick, short strokes in the direction of the fur to make it look more realistic. For example, on the ears, the strokes should go downward, while on the back they should go from head to tail.
  7. Additional Details: To make your labrador unique, add some special details! Maybe some spots, a bright collar, or even a little bowtie. It’s your drawing, so have fun with it!


  • Test First: If you’re unsure how a color or technique will look, try it on a separate piece of paper before applying it to your main drawing.
  • Mix and Match: Colored pencils are great because you can overlay colors to create new shades. Experiment with blending colors to get the perfect shade.
  • Take Your Time: Coloring takes time, especially if you’re aiming for lots of details. Relax, enjoy the process, and remember, the most important thing is to have fun and let your creativity soar! 🎨🖍️🐾

Ideas for colouring your own Labrador retriever dog drawing

If you need ideas for colouring your drawing, check out our gallery of dogs already coloured with different techniques. There are a lot of pictures with a lot of creativity that will surely inspire you.

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