Puppy dog

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Colorea este simpático cachorro de perro
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Other drawings in the category Dogs

Did you know puppies are born blind and deaf? They don’t open their eyes until after a week or two. And their strongest sense at birth is smell. That’s why you often see puppies moving their noses all the time; they’re exploring the world with their sense of smell!

How to color the puppy dog:

1. Choose your colors:
Before starting, decide which colors you want to use. Do you want the puppy to be brown, white, black, golden, or a mix of colors? You can color it like your favorite dog or invent your own colors!

2. Coloring techniques:

  • Colored pencils: If you use colored pencils, you can try shading. Color harder on one side of the puppy and lighter on the other to give it a three-dimensional look.
  • Watercolors: If you have watercolors, you can give the puppy a soft, blurred look. Remember to use a brush and water carefully so you don’t go outside the lines.
  • Blending: With colored pencils, you can smudge them with your fingers or a blending stick to soften and merge the colors.
  • Layering: Apply a base color and then add layers of other colors on top to provide more depth and texture to the fur.

3. Creative details:

  • Sparkle in the eyes: You can use some white gel or shiny paint to add sparkle to the puppy’s eyes and make it look more lifelike.
  • Texture in the fur: Use an old toothbrush and lightly paint it. Then brush it over the drawing to create a fluffy hair texture.

4. Other materials:

  • Sequins or glitter: You can glue small sequins or sprinkle some glitter on the puppy’s collar to make it stand out.
  • Cotton: For the tail or ears, you can glue small balls of cotton to give it a furry appearance that’s soft to the touch.
  • Aluminum foil: You can use small pieces to give it a shiny collar or even a reflective effect in the eyes.
  • Torn colored paper: For a collage effect, tear small bits of colored paper and glue them onto specific areas, like the fur or the background.
  • Stamps and stencils: If you have stamps with shapes (like dog paw prints, bones, or hearts), you can use them to add fun details around the puppy.
  • Dried leaves and flowers: Glue small dried leaves or flowers onto the drawing to give it a three-dimensional and natural touch.

Ideas for colouring your puppy dog

If you need ideas for colouring your drawing, check out our gallery of dogs already coloured with different techniques. There are a lot of pictures with a lot of creativity that will surely inspire you.

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